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Monday, March 4, 2013

4 Steps to Affiliate Success


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4 Steps to Affiliate Success

There are many ways to be successful as an affiliate, but this article lays out the process that we have found to be the most reliable and sustainable while still being very inexpensive. Many affiliates try to skip steps 2 & 3 and go straight from picking a product to immediately promoting it. This makes it really difficult to succeed, and doesn't set up your business for success, so make sure to implement the steps in the order they're listed here.
By watching the following videos, spending plenty of time working on each step, and takingconsistent action every day, you have a much higher chance of being successful as a ClickBank affiliate!

Step 1: Choose Your Niche

In this video, we share strategies and tips for picking a niche for your new affiliate business. Be sure to spend plenty of time on this step! Don't rush it when getting started.

Step 2: Build Your Platform

In this video, we walk you through the process of developing and building your platform, which will be the basis for growing your audience and promoting products to them. 

Step 3: Grow Your Audience

In this video, we'll share the steps you can take to start growing your audience and getting traffic to your platform. If you're not sure how to get visitors to your site, this is the video for you! Just make sure you've watched Steps 1 and 2 first.

Step 4: Promote Products

In this video, we'll talk about how you can promote products to your audience in a way that will get you the most sales and make your audience love you at the same time! There are lots of great strategies and tactics in this video, but your success hinges on having done the previous steps properly, so don't jump straight into promoting products before spending time on the earlier steps!

Next Step

If you'd like to build your own platform but are worried about the technology involved, or are just looking for a simple and inexpensive way to build a site and an email list at the same time, be sure to check out ClickBank Audience Builder. We built it specifically to support these 4 steps to affiliate success, and made it simple enough so that just about anyone can have a site up and running in an hour or two! Check it out here.
Once you've gone through these videos and have a solid understanding of how to be a successful affiliate, visit our article on Using the Marketplace to start finding products to promote.

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