Social Icons

Friday, September 30, 2011

Promote fair trade was originally to support social justice and assistance by the extreme poverty in many developing countries. Particularly among the trade unions and environmental activists more interested in promoting, with the workers and capitalists to criticize the opposition of the natural environment. Fair trade proponents believe that the modern social instability, loss of social justice, the expansion of terrorism by an imbalance caused by the global economic system. The advertised free trade globalization will not necessarily generate wealth for all humanity, because free trade does not guarantee fair trade, free trade will only lead to the destruction of the natural environment, social instability and weak national decline. The Fair Trade movement now advocate reform of the current trade practices (especially in the framework of the WTO for international trade), for example, requires developed countries to abolish their domestic agricultural subsidies, to reduce the dumping of agricultural products to developing countries to combat the situation of local agriculture. In addition, also encourages consumers not to engage in unfair trade practices involving the consumer, so as to put pressure on manufacturers. In Europe and other countries, the more popular the market fair trade labeling printed products for the consumer an alternative choice to buy a slightly higher price of goods in line with justice, of which the most famous coffee and chocolate fair. [Edit] definition of fair trade
The most widely accepted by the definition of fair trade, created by the FINE "FINE is a Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International), the International Fair Trade Association (International Fair Trade Association), the European World Shops connection ( Network of European Worldshops) and the European Fair Trade Association (European Fair Trade Association) four main fair trade organization composed of informal connections ": [4] Fair trade is based on dialogue, transparency and mutual respect of trade partnership, aiming at the pursuit of greater equity in international transactions, to provide a more equitable terms of trade and to ensure that marginalized the interests of workers and producers (especially in the southern hemisphere), based on commitment to sustainable development, fair trade organizations are actively involved in supporting producers, awareness and aim to enhance international trade to change the traditional habits of project activities. However, fair trade really help improve those who are marginalized producers and workers rights, eradicate poverty, but can not completely solve the problem, but they involve a lot of producers, fair trade, protection can not be 11. Fair trade in an effort in development efforts, highly controversial, and sparked criticism of the political spectrum about the poles, some economists and conservative think tanks, that fair trade is just another type of subsidy, impede economic growth, while some left-wing criticism of fair trade not radical enough. [Edit] The main principles of fair trade
In the trading relationship, promote fair trade movement to support the following general principles and practices: [5] To create opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers Fair trade as a sustainable development and poverty reduction strategy, its goal is to those economically disadvantaged or marginalized in traditional trade systems create opportunities for producers. Transparency and accountability can be Fair trade in a transparent management and commercial relations, equality and mutual respect to get along with trading partners. Capacity Building Fair trade is a means of developing independence producers, fair trade relations provide a continuity in this among the producers and their marketing organizations can improve their management skills and the ability to explore the market. Fair price (fair price) payment Fair price, through dialogue and participation in the formation of a mutually agreed price, which not only includes the cost of production, but also in line with the principles of social justice and environmental protection, which provides producers a fair remuneration, but also with consideration of gender equality the principle of equal pay, fair traders to ensure payment as soon as possible to its partners, to help producers to pre-harvest or pre-production through the financial situation. Gender Equality Proper assessment of fair trade and women's paid labor, women's pay is based on the contribution of the production process may be, at the same time in the organization to empower women. Working conditions Fair trade offers producers a healthy and safe working environment, where children's participation, children can not affect the integrity of the growth, safety and education requirements, but also must comply with the UN children's rights conventions and local regulations. Environmental Protection Fair Trade actively encourages better environmental practices and responsible production practices. [Edit] fair trade movement's main structure

Thailand's rice producers Fair Trade Certified Most fair trade importers are belong to one or a few domestic or international League, the League co-ordination, promotion and the promotion of fair trade organizations in this work is listed in the table below some of the largest and most influential organizations: Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International, called FLO), founded in 1997, is the biggest and most people recognized standard-setting and certification body of fair trade labeling issue, it is in Africa, Asia and Latin America more than fifty regular national inspection and certification organization of production, contains about one million households in agriculture and labor. International Fair Trade Association (International Fair Trade Association, referred to as IFAT), founded in 1989, is a fair trade production companies and associations, export companies, importers, retailers, national and regional fair trade front groups and support fair trade global association formed in 2004, IFAT creation of a "fair trade labeling organization" (FTO Mark) to identify those that Fair Trade organizations (FLO system with contrast, FLO is a certified product), IFAT in more than 60 countries, nearly300 members. European World Shops connection (Network of European Worldshops, referred to as the NEWS), founded in 1994, is an association of 15 world shops umbrella composed of connection, are found in all thirteen different European countries. European Fair Trade Association (European Fair Trade Association, referred to as EFTA), founded in 1990, is a fair trade organization in Europe to connect, from Africa, Asia and Latin America nearly 400 economically disadvantaged groups produced imports, EFTA The purpose is to promote fair trade and fair trade imports make more efficient and effective, while, EFTA issued annually on the fair trade market publications, EFTA now in nine different countries have 11 members. In 1998, these four organizations formed FINE, a coordination of standards and guidelines for fair trade, fair trade monitoring system to enhance the quality and efficiency, fair trade and political initiatives for the purpose of informal League. Fair Trade Alliance (The Fair Trade Federation, referred to as FTF) is an American and Canadian fair trade wholesalers, importers and retailers to set up an organization, this organization and its members link up fair trade production groups, while as a Fair Trade Information exchange center, but also provide resources and links to its members the chance. [Edit] History of fair trade
Main article: History of fair trade Market in the northern hemisphere, the first fair trade products will be commercialized in 1940 and try 1950's, by religious and political orientation of several non-governmental organizations began to promote the Mennonite Mutual Aid Society (Mennonite Central Committee, referred to as the MCC ) in a non-governmental organization ten thousand villages will (Ten Thousands Villages) and SERRVE International in 1946 and 1949, first began development of fair trade in developing countries, the supply chain [6], the products are nothing more than arts and crafts, from jute products to cross-stitch work, the vast majority of shops in the world (Worldshops) sales, the product itself in addition to that contribution purposes, almost no other function [7]. [Edit] Solidarity trade

In the world of fair trade goods stores Shaping the current fair trade movement in Europe in the 1960s, fair trade in this period is often seen as a political gesture against neo-imperialism, the radical student movement began to focus on multinational corporations, and the emergence of a traditional business model that is basically defective consensus, when the slogan "trade, not aid" (Trade not Aid), was held in 1968 the United Nations Trade and Development Conference (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, referred to as UNCTAD) adopted, and has been international recognition, the meeting emphasized in the developing world to establish fair trade relations. [8] 1965 birth of the first alternative trade organizations (Alternative Trading Organization, referred to as the ATD): That year, the British NGO Oxfam (Oxfam) launched "to sell to help" (Helping-by-Selling) activities, a mail order and in Oxfam shops sell imported crafts program. In 1969, the first "World Store" opened in the Netherlands, this groundbreaking concept, based on sales of fair trade rules "development regions" of the product, the rules of fair trade into the retail sector, the first store by the Chi industrial operation, very successful, after dozens of similar stores began in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany and other Western European countries began to open. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Fair Trade movement in a very important part for those political considerations were excluded from the mainstream channels of trade of countries to help them find markets for products. Thousands of volunteers in the church and the world behind the stores of coffee from Angola and Nicaragua, to these products from home and public places booths convey a message: give disadvantaged producers from developing countries a fair chance, is to support sustainable development of their own. The prevalence of alternative trading activities, if not from the trade, at least to the number on the dozens of alternative trade organization (ATO) was established in the Atlantic, while the expansion of the store with the world, there are many planned actions and projects , criticized the international phenomenon of exploitation and domination, to promote the Nelson Mandela, Julius Nyerere and the Nicaraguan Sandinista regime concept: the right to autonomy and independence, and access to global equity markets and consumer channels. [Edit] handicrafts VS. Agricultural In the early 1980s, alternative trade organizations face a serious challenge: some fair trade products have lost the freshness, the demand has peaked, and many arts and crafts in the market starting to look "less and less popular and very bored," [9] , the decline in sales of handicrafts, making fair trade supporters to rethink their business model and objectives. More importantly, many supporters during this time concerned about falling prices for agricultural products, the impact of poor peasants, many people believe that finding an appropriate grant, to address this industry crisis is the responsibility of this movement. Come in the next few years, the fair trade of agricultural products in many alternative trade organizations, growing up, play a very important role: the success in the market, they provide a much needed reward producers, as well as the stagnation of the handarts and crafts provide an excellent alternative to the market options, the first fair trade agricultural products are tea and coffee, followed by dried fruit, cocoa, sugar, fruit juice, spices and nuts. In 1992, the handicrafts of the total sales of 80% and the remaining 20% ​​is agricultural, but in 2002, handicrafts accounted for only 25.4% of total sales, while food products has increased to 69.4% [10]. [Edit] The rise of Label Until the first start of the operation of the fair trade label, sales of fair trade goods was a real surge. Despite growing sales is quite impressive, but fair trade in Europe, only sporadic in the world of shops, slightly extended to North America. Some people feel that these stores from the pattern and pace of modern life too far, even the most enthusiastic customers, feel to the store to buy things very convenient. Only one way to increase sales opportunities, that is, customers often go to the store to the general logistics pipeline to sell fair trade goods [11]. The only question is, how to increase sales pipeline, but it does not reduce consumer demand for fair trade goods and their sources of confidence. Until 1988, the first fair trade label action "Stichting Max Havelaar" started to find answers to this question, this action by Nico Roozen, Fans VanDer Hoff and Dutch non-governmental organization created by Solidaridad. This independent certification makes goods sold outside the store in the world, into the mainstream market, access to more customers, so sales of fair trade goods has grown significantly. This action also allows customers to tag and distributors to track the source of the product to ensure that the other side of the supply chain benefit producers [12]. The idea being a lot of attention in the next few years, North America and Europe, there have been many similar non-profit Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International, 1997, a sink full label (Labelling Initiatives, referred to as LIs) in the process gave birth to the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) the establishment, FLO is an umbrella organization whose mission in setting standards for fair trade, support, inspection and certification to those disadvantaged producers, and coordinate Fair Trade movement. In 2002, FLO launched a new international fair trade certification mark (International Fairtrade Certification Mark), initiated by the target is to increase the mark in the visibility on supermarket shelves, facilitate cross-border trade and simplify between producers and importers procedures; Today, there are more than 16 members of FLO's certification, based on FLO's certification, dozens of products used in the international Fair Trade certification mark, including coffee, tea, rice, bananas, mangoes, cocoa, cotton, sugar, honey, fruit juice, nuts, fresh fruit, quinine, herbs, spices, wine and football and other products. [Edit] today's fair trade Over the past decade, global fair trade sales increased significantly, especially in fair-trade label affixed to the product, its sales increased more significantly. In 2005, global sales of about 11 million pounds per year growth rate of 37% [13], in October 2006, FLO certified 58 of 586 developing countries, the organization of production, of which more than 150 organizations and IFAT (International Fair Trade Association) registration [14] [15]. [Edit] Fair Trade certification and labeling

International Fair Trade certification mark

Fair Trade certification mark (U.S. & Canada)

IFAT International Fair Trade Organization Mark Main article: Fair Trade certification and labeling [Edit] FLO Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International certification of goods Note: generally written as Fairtrade Fair trade combined a word, usually used in the commodity system for FLO Fairtrade Labelling movement (Fairtrade Labelling), usually referred to as "fair trade" (Fairtrade), or in the United States known as the "Fair Trade Certified" (Fair Trade Certified Mark), is a certified system, to allow consumers to identification standard goods. This system consists of a standard set of organizations (FLO International) and a certification organization (FLO-CERT) of the supervision of producers and traders responsible for independent audits to ensure compliance. Whether it is affixed with "international fair trade certification mark" or "Fair Trade certification mark" products, it must be checked by the FLO-CERT, as well as by certification from the producers. Crops must set according to FLO International trade fair pay standards for the planting and harvest, the supply chain by FLO-CERT also need supervision to ensure the consistency of fair trade products. Fair Trade certification is not only to ensure fair prices, but also the principle of ethical consumption, adherence to these principles, including the International Labour Organization standards necessary to prohibit child labor or slave labor, to protect workplace safety and composition of trade union rights, and adherence to the UN Human Rights Charter And a fair price also includes the production and promotion of social development costs, to protect the environment, in addition, to encourage fair trade certification systems between sellers and buyers long-term business relationship and supply chain more transparent Fair Trade system has many types of goods and growing, such as bananas, honey, coffee, oranges, cocoa, cotton, fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruit, juices, nuts, vegetable oil, quinine, rice, spices, sugar, tea and red wine. To sell fair trade goods companies can apply for licenses to use the fair trade mark in which fair trade goods. International Fair Trade certification mark by the FLO International record years in 2002 to replace a number of fair-trade movement created twelve mark, the new mark current worldwide (except U.S. and Canada). In the United States and Canada are using Fair Trade Certified logo, are still in these two national certified fair trade goods, due to the gradual replacement of the old mark, the full replacement of the new mark should be completed in the near future to achieve. [Edit] IFAT Fair Trade certification organization In order to make up for fair trade goods certification system, while allowing most of the handicraft producers in the world outside stores selling products, the International Fair Trade Association (IFTA) issued a new mark for certification organization (as opposed to FLO International's Certification), which Mark called FTO Mark, it allows consumers to identify the global fair trade organizations have been registered, but also to ensure that the practice of some, such as working conditions, salaries, child labor and environmental standards. FTO Mark, for consumers, new and old business partners, government and donors, for the first time provides a recognized Fair Trade organizations (including those handicrafts producers) way. [Edit] Fair trade impact studies
Recently, a number of independent studies, in assessing the amount of fair trade on disadvantaged farmers and workers affected. In 2002, University of Sussex (University of Sussex) poor research institutions in the Lorain Ronchi research fair trade company of Costa Rica Coocafe impact, Ronchi found that fair trade strengthened producer organizations, and concluded that " to the coffee crisis in the early 1990s, the fair trade can be said that they had reached the income of small producers to improve quality of life, as well as improve the local organizational purposes. [16] In 2003, the University of Colorado (Colorado State University) summarized the research community fair trade fair trade coffee producers in Latin America, seven cases (UCIRI, CEPCO, Majomut, Las Colinas & El Sincuyo La Selva, Tzotzilotic and La Voz), that the fair trade in the "short period of time to improve small-scale coffee producers and their family life" [17]. These studies found that, under the Fair Trade producers, better access to credit and external development funding [18]. At the same time, this study also pointed out that compared to the traditional coffee producers, fair trade producers to get more training opportunities and to improve the quality of its coffee [19], and those families of fair trade producers more stable than traditional coffee producing families, children can get better educational opportunities [20]. Nicolas Eberhart in 2005, the French non-governmental organizations Agronomes et Vétérinaires sans frontières have fair trade coffee for the Bolivia case study, that the fair trade certification activities on the local Yungas coffee prices have a positive impact, but also the economic benefit of all coffee producers (with or without a fair trade certification), the same time, fair trade organizations can enhance their production and their political influence [21]. By the Becchetti and Costantion (2006) led by the econometric analysis, verification of fair trade impact on Kenyan farmers, researchers observed a group of farmers through fair trade certification, and another group of farmers sampled as a control group. In the same period of time after discovery, whether it is monetary or non-monetary value, fair trade can improve the lives of farmers, reducing child mortality, improve household food intake, their living conditions, crop prices and more satisfied [22]. In the methodology, the institute used a sample of the crop and the relative contribution of fair trade, and the choice of the control group may have errors, so the research is not all arguments are strong [23]. [Edit] fair trade and political
[Edit] Europe

Display in the UK Derbyshire (Derbyshire) Council of fair trade products Back in 1994, the European Commission has prepared a "Memorandum of alternative trade", to declare support for fair trade and southern hemispheres, as well as fair trade, the European Commission to establish the intention of the working group, in addition, also in the same year the European Parliament adopted the "North-South trade fair to promote solidarity and Resolution" (OJ C 44, 14.2.1994), to express their support for fair trade. In 1996, the Economic and Social Commission for use of the "progress of the views of the European fair trade" (Opinion on European "Fair Trade" making movement), a year later, in 1997, the European Parliament adopted this sub-file, requires implementation of the EU It supported the fair trade banana operators, the same year, the European Commission published a "fair trade bananas to the EU consumer attitudes," the survey concluded that fair trade bananas can be sold openly in the EU seven countries [24 ]. In 1998, the European Parliament after the European Commission, adopted the "Fair Trade Resolution" (Resolution on Fair Trade, OJ C 226/73, 20.07.1998), the European Commission in 1999, using the "Commission on Conncil for fair trade communication "(Communication from the Commission to the Council on" Fair Trade "COM (1999) 619 final, 29.11.1999). In 2000, the government began to purchase European Fair Trade tea and coffee, the other in the same year, the Branch are efforts Agreement (Cotonou agreement) in section 23 (g) of paragraph particular, to promote fair trade, the European Parliament and local councils resolution 2000/36/EC, also started to promote fair trade [24]. In 2001 and 2002, the European Union in several documents specifically mentioned in the fair trade, the most notable example is the 2001 report on corporate social responsibility, green, and the 2002 communication on trade and development files. In 2004, the EU adopted the "chain of agricultural products, dependence and poverty - EU Action Plan Proposal", with particular reference to fair trade movement "has created a more social and economic responsibility of the trade the trend" (COM (2004) 0089). In 2005, the European Commission in the "development policy coherence - to accelerate towards the Millennium Development Goals" (COM (2005) 134 final, 12.04.2005) mentioned fair trade, "a poverty reduction and sustainable development can tools "[24]. Finally, in 2006, July 6, the European Parliament without objection by a relevant resolution on fair trade, fair trade can recognize the benefits that the EU should be Europe-wide policy framework to develop fair trade, a more Support Fair Trade (EP resolution "Fair Trade and development", 6 July 2006). European Green Party MEP Frithjof Schmidt at its General Assembly debate, said, "This resolution on the other person to respond to the Fair Trade amazing growth, indicates that European consumers are increasingly interested to buy responsibly," said EU foreign executive Peter Mandelson, the Executive Resolution Authority will accept it, "fair trade allows consumers to think, it is very valuable, this Resolution will help us to develop a coherent policy framework" [25]. [Edit] French In 2005, French lawmakers Antonine Herth published "40 proposals to maintain the development of fair trade," the report, the same year, this report will then lead to legislative action, proposed the establishment of a committee to recognize the fair trade organizations (article 60 of law no. 2005-882 , Small and Medium Enterprises, 2 August 2005) [26]. Legislative action at the same time in 2006, the French International Standards Organization (ANFOR) also after five years of discussion, the use of fair trade as a reference document. [Edit] Italian In 2006, Italian lawmakers in Congress began to debate how fair trade legislation, in early October for an extensive consultation process [27]. [Edit] Belgium Belgian Parliament in 2006 to discuss the possibility of fair trade legislation [28]. [Edit] the reasons for fair trade
In fair trade where one can easily be found in the fact that it is now the global trade organization that is "unfair", when people in the publicity for the fair trade when the market is usually based on individual economic failure, the existing commodity crisis and its impact on producers in developing countries as a reason to explain why we need fair trade. [Edit] Free trade and market failures FINE members and all members of fair trade, in theory, support the principle of free trade barrier; however, such as Oxford University professor Alex Nicholls of the social enterprises that "those of classical liberalism and neo-liberal economic theory of the basic conditions, In many developing countries, agricultural society, are extremely lacking "[29]. Such as full market information, business opportunities and complete access to credit, market information and more should be changed because of production techniques and product capability, these basic assumptions are "farmers in developing countries and labor fallacy" [29]. These individuals lack the economic conditions, those who come by the trade interests may completely disappear. Although Nicholls generally agree that in some markets, a win-win situation may occur; but "market conditions in developing countries is not the case, producers can not become better by the trade" [29], the existing market failures make the development of countries is difficult to escape poverty. Fair Trade products in order to provide a stable producer prices, business support, access to Northern markets and better quality in terms of trade, etc., can be seen as an attempt to solve the market failure of the effort. [Edit] commodity crisis Those fair trade publicity, but also pointed out that since the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s, global competition in goods markets in the disorder, leading to a price of the "bottom line competition"; from 1970 to 2000, many developing the price of the country's main agricultural products such as sugar, cotton, cocoa and coffee, has dropped 30% to 60%, the European Commission pointed out that "in developing countries, the lack of international intervention in the late 1980s and 1990s, the policy of the goods market reforms making goods sector, especially small producers, the demand in the market last legs, "Today" since most of the large commodity price movements, but also long-term trend of falling prices, these producers are living in an unpredictable environmentthem "[30], according to the United Nations Food Agriculture Organization (Food and Agricultural Organisation, FAO) estimates that the decline in commodity prices in 1980 to 2002, developing countries lost a total of about $ 250 billion [24]. Millions of poor farmers dependent on those products derived from the harvest revenue, about 50 developing countries, the majority of its export revenue, are three or less rely on the main kinds of products. Many farmers mostly lack of other livelihood skills, no matter how low prices can only be more dependent on crops; studies have shown that the loss due to declining commodity prices and the worst are those poor peasants, as the majority of the population in developing countries, basic agricultural labor account for about 50% of the population in developing countries, and its output accounts for about one-third of GDP [31]. Fair trade supporters believe current market price is not an appropriate response to the true cost of production; they believe that only well-managed and stable basic price system, to include environmental and social cost of production. Form a non-profit business and civil society to promote jointly explore more in line with fair trade and consumer liability mode of operation. Advantage is to allow small and large businesses and organizations, regardless of size and background, have the opportunity to participate and dialogue; also avoid the pass / fail dichotomy of elimination, but through consultation and collaboration attitude and encourage members of the public reported profits and reported to production, continuous improvement of responsible business practices. [Edit] criticism
Main article: Fair trade disputes As the increasingly popular, fair trade began to receive criticism from both ends of the political spectrum. Some economists and think tanks [Who? ] That is a fair trade subsidies hinder economic growth, and some leftists [who? ] Such as fair trade Zizek criticized the trade did not actively challenge the existing system. [Edit] agricultural economics and marketing aspects of the criticism Economist Peter Griffiths pointed out that fair trade is very profitable for retailers to end, but consumers pay more money to reach the number of producing countries, the number of directly into the hands of producers or exporters fall into the hands of questionable.So far no evidence that alleged fair trade producers to actually charge a higher price, there is no evidence that the relevant producers of fair trade to improve the economic situation, but fair trade does harm to the non-fair trade producers. Now for the Fair Trade Fair Trade producers and non-implementation of relevant measures in the control group before and after the impact of income and no formal study of the effect, for assistance related to revenue growth in the amount of tissue is not present assessment.Fair Trade products in all EU countries due to sellers of fair trade producers to increase the revenue yet to give sufficient information about the law, which may have been breaking the law. He concluded that fair trade is basically not in line with ethical principles. [32] [Edit] distorted price signals

Limit the effect of the lowest prices Some opponents argue that fair trade like any other farm subsidies, trying to establish a product market price is higher than the lowest price, so that will encourage existing producers to produce more of these products and encourage new producers to join the production of this a product of the ranks, this will result in oversupply. [33] According to the law of supply and demand economics, excess supply will cause the non-fair trade products in the market price is depressed. [33] In 2003, the research department at the Cato Institute president, said fair trade is a "good starting interventionist means ... ... doomed to end in failure." According to him, fair trade attempts to remedy market failures, but want to There are problems in a price structure to replace another price structure in question, in fact, misguided attempt. This is a major criticism of fair trade representation of speech, that it would "allow fair trade producers to increase production," although in the short term part of the fair trade producers benefit, but long-term economic development and growth will be adversely affected. Economic theory suggests that when a product due to overproduction and lower prices, subsidies or artificially raise prices will encourage production and to attract new producers to engage in inefficient activities, make the problem worse. Some scholars to refute these arguments put forward the following: First, the transactions between producers and middlemen are often not in the normal competitive framework. [34] In this case the market price has been distorted, because the price is not reflected in the productivity of producers, but their low bargaining power.[35] Secondly, the so-called price distortion argument does not take into account the principle of product differentiation. Such as coffee, and can not be compared with the crude oil and other bulk materials. There are many kinds of coffee, have differences in production technology, [36] in terms of quality, mixing, packaging, processing, or even whether socially responsible, the different periods and different regions. Consumer demand determines the taste with different types of coffee products at acceptable prices. [34] In this line of thought under the fair trade can be regarded as a market-driven innovation in the food industry to create a growing new segment, endorsed the idea of ​​consumers willing to pay a higher environmental and social responsibility ofprice. [34] Third, the above arguments assume that the fair trade crop producers do receive higher incomes, but there is no evidence to support this claim. [Edit] References

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