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Friday, September 30, 2011

Tourist and archaeological places in Jordan
Tourism in Jordan
Jordan enjoys the benefits and components of geographical, historical and natural make him a tourist country in all seasons of the year and meets most of the objectives sought by tourists. Where there are religious sites, archaeological sites, resorts and Almcati and natural springs, forests, deserts and beaches. And types of tourism can be summed up in Jordan in the following points:
1 Tourism Cultural Rights: , Including a visit archaeological sites for information and knowledge of cultures and traditions of the peoples who lived in the area during ancient times. There are thousands of historical and archaeological sites in Jordan is the most important cities of Petra and Jerash, and Karak Castle, and Rabd, Umm Qais, the Roman amphitheater and the Cave of the Inscription, which occurred when the story of the cave mentioned in the Koran.
2 medical tourism: Means natural mineral springs for comfort and physical and mental health clinics, and visit places of healing is the most important beaches of Aqaba and the Dead Sea and Spa Ma'in, Ofra, the sulfur water in the Jordan Valley and especially in the Hamma area.Found in Jordan many modern hospitals equipped with instruments and equipment, developed and supervised by doctors Jordanian unique in their clinical skills and specialize in all types of treatments, whether in government hospitals or private, and receives Jordan each year more than a hundred thousand Arab citizens of the treatment carried out for each open heart surgeries, and the transfer of kidney and treatment of infertility .. Etc..
3 Religious Tourism: Means to visit places of historical, religious, and there are in Jordan, many of these places and shrines, especially in the areas of Karak, Ma'an, Jordan Valley, and Salt, such as shrines companions Ja'far ibn Abi Talib and Abdullah bin Rawaahah and Zaid bin Haritha, Abu Ubaida bin wounds and Sharhabil bin good and Dirar bin Azores, God bless them .
4 summer tourism: The diversity of climate zones in Jordan is a blessing from God, many tourists come to Jordan to spend summer vacation in the picturesque atmosphere, such as forests and mountains of Ajloun and Debbine. The atmosphere in the capital, a nice and refreshing, especially in mountainous areas where there are gardens and parks.
5 Sport tourism: Where tourists practiced many types of popular sport such as water skiing, swimming, fishing and hunting, particularly in the areas of Aqaba and Wadi Rum, and blue.
6 - Winter tourism: Include the winter or part of it in places of natural warmth, especially in the areas of the Jordan Valley and Dead Sea and Aqaba. There are other types of tourism. Tourist areas: Oman: Is the Jordanian capital of Amman in the northwest part of the Jordan toward the «90» How many of Jerusalem. The modern city of Amman at about the same position which was occupied by the old city «Ammonites». It also names the old «Philadelphia», which means brotherly love to the Romans. During the long history they have undergone Oman Assyrians, Chaldeans, and the Hyksos, Persians, Greeks and Romans, have left behind many of the effects of the most important «Roman amphitheater», which can accommodate up to five thousand spectators.
Nineteen of the mountain, and sits on the foothills of Oman capital of Jordan since ancient times. It is the goddess of Ammon by the Ammonites Chadha ancient capital of them, a city which flourished in the days of the Greeks and Romans, and bore the name of Philadelphia (the city of brotherly love).
Everyone is home, and a fellow visitor, and where the old meets to talk and meet lovers of life, work, recreation, science, and the chair of government and administration, and the Ministries of State, as it the commercial center of the kingdom.
Is a city of young and old, men and women, family and friends, married and unmarried, and where the appeal from the clamor of the researcher and the researcher for calm .. It is a city for all, open arms and doors of white stone houses built each guest Jordan coming across land borders or arriving by air to Queen Alia International Airport (35 km south of the capital).
Archaeological sites
With Oman with a wealth of monuments timeless, For Citadel rises the Temple of Hercules, as well as the archaeological museum, which the visitor can see the tools represent human life in the age of very ancient, and in the center of the city is located for the nymphs, and close to the way stands the Roman amphitheater large with a capacity of five thousand spectators.
Roman amphitheater is located at the foot of Mount Algeoffh in the city of Amman.Indicate a Greek writing found on one of the platforms that the columns of the runway was built in honor of the Emperor, who visited Oman Maderjnos years 130 AD to launch a route from Basra and passing e Bjursc and Amman to the Dead Sea. Runway to accommodate six thousand scenes and consists of three layers separating each layer and the other close to the threshold of two meters. It also permeates the layers of the eight lanes in each layer.
This temple dates back to the Roman era in the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelbus (180 _161) and resembles the model of the Temple of Artemis in Jerash The image restoration and installation of the columns that have been progressing Alchorntah the temple has been the maintenance and restoration of the temple.
Nbeys shrine and is sometimes called Nbeys Palace, located 100 meters south of the intersection of Highway and the town of Tariq Amman - Zarqa. And a Roman mausoleum dates back to the second century AD, whose area is 12 square meters and above the surface of the dome stands on the brackets, it is known that the tombs in the Roman era are the tombs of rich families and is one of the various methods of burial that has spread in that era.
Amman stock exchanges are characterized by large products that combine traditional and modern goods of local and imported. The visitor finds the capital's all he needs and wants its procurement, both products of traditional crafts and popular souvenirs sold in the old markets in the center of the capital, and stores the competent deployed in the west of Amman, or from the modern cargo of different such as clothing Arab and European, and leather products, electrical appliances and other .
In the downtown area is the largest and most comprehensive markets where every visitor finds what he wants, and close to the city center is located Jabal Al Hussein, which is characterized by large salons that offer various types of clothing. The spread of supermarkets in the suburbs of the capital markets as markets Abdoun, Sweifieh, Shmeisani, and finds a visitor to this store a lot of goods and luxuries of various world famous brands.
Spread public parks in various areas of the capital and its suburbs, and gardens are places suitable for family picnics, there are birds in the garden suburb of Shmeisani, where the whole family can enjoy watching the different birds. And at a distance of about fifteen miles from the center of the capital is Amman National Park (on the road to the airport) in the jungle of a large carpeted trees over a large area of ​​land, is this park a favorite place for families seeking a quiet away from the bustle of the city, and are available in the park all the services and facilities necessary The gardens spread of the Greater Amman Municipality in different suburbs of the capital.
Recreation facilities
Shmeisani in the suburb near the center of the capital complex is situated Gardens, King Abdullah, where the available places of entertainment for the whole family, especially children who can have fun playing and driving small cars and playing the game of bowling, walk on the wheels. The spread in this tourist complex, restaurants and outdoor cafés and all the necessary facilities.
And close to the city center in Jabal Al-Hussein no amusement park for children. There is also a city in the suburb of a large recreational Jubaiha Tamha large numbers of tourists in the summer months. In Oman, spreading centers that offer entertainment for children and boys gaming.
Oman should see since a few years boom in the construction of major hotels and medium enterprises, and the capital, a large number of five-star hotels world-famous, there are as many of the hotels four star hotels, three star and below, and submit these hotels as well as hotel services, the familiar, the different types of cuisines East The Bank also organizes trips to domestic tourism guests. The majority of these hotels are spread in the west of the capital, and there are a number of hotels in East Amman.
Apartments and furnished apartments
There in the capital, many of the buildings of apartments that are available where all the necessities of life easy and allows the family visiting its complete freedom to choose and prepare what you want of food, in addition to the enjoyment of privacy complete. The spread in Amman, furnished apartments, which rent the owners of the visitors to the Arabs at moderate prices. Visitors can rent apartments or furnished apartments for short-term or long, depending on the period of their stay in Jordan.
Mansaf popular dish is the first in Jordan, and is often presented in the banquet held in honor of the guests, not just the preparation Mansaf in homes but also provides restaurants in the capital at various levels. In Oman, the spread of restaurants serving many varieties of popular diets, and those that offer dishes of Arab and foreign countries.
There are restaurants in the capital, competent Chinese food and Indian food, and European cuisines, restaurants and private fish and seafood, and there are branches of global fast-food restaurants, restaurants grilled meats.
Of Transportation
The transportation in Amman is easy and convenient, as available in the streets of the capital, thousands of taxis operating according to the law which imposed run counter to calculate the fare of each trip, and can find a taxi easily in various streets of the capital and its suburbs, and can request a taxi by telephone taxi offices.
Can coming through the airport access to any place in the capital by car the airport, which operates according to the reservation system for the immediate and controlled, and there at the airport, a special office to book a taxi, and the visitor can sit in the bus private or public, which flies regularly between the airport and the Abdali area in the center of Amman, it is movement in the prices of these buses air-conditioned, comfortable and inexpensive symbolic.
For those interested in the use of private cars during their stay in Jordan, the tourist car rental service available in Oman, where visitors can rent a car from the gender they want for as long as he wants through the car rental companies in the capital.
And can move between Amman and Zarqa city by train, the daily flights between the two cities, and there are regular train trips between Amman and Damascus.
Jerash: Romanian is a city of monuments, with ancient cultural heritage, and one of the few ancient cities in the world that has kept all its features even today, is still the city squares and streets and theaters of its columns and monumental witness to the covenants in the Greek and Romanian (Pompey Middle) Gracia old .. Jerash Jordan Fine.
High Jursc her name in the Hellenistic period became a bell, as I mentioned in some Nabatean inscriptions, one of the most important cities of the Decapolis (ten cities), founded by Pompey 63 BC in northern Jordan to face the power of the Nabataeans in the south, and flourished in the Umayyad period.
South Stage: built in the late first century AD
For nymphs: a building includes NOAA Fair held water for the water nymphs in the late second century AD
South Gate, built in the second century AD and destroyed the year 268 AD the wars destroy Street columns: a main street in the Romanian city of Jerash and its length of 800 m
The northern runway: the most important buildings of the northern part of the city has finished building a year 164_165
Madaba: Mosaics of Jordan's capital, the city of churches, said the obelisk Micha, when she was in the hands of Almaabeyen, restored with the Ammonites, and then came under the rule of the Nabataean city of a prosperous and flourished in the Byzantine and Umayyad Covenants.
Roman Orthodox Church, built on the remains of a Byzantine church dating to the sixth century AD, decorated with a mosaic floor map of Jordan, Palestine and Egypt.
Mount Nebo: It is a shrine set up to Moses
Micha Obelisk: Obelisk of basalt stone found in the Theban at the end of the nineteenth century and are now in the Louvre, spoke about the King of Moab Micha and many of its cities, and wars
Ajloun: Ajloun is located north of the capital Amman, a famous historic castle called Castle Rabd. This castle and attracts large numbers of visitors because of its historical value.Was built by one of the leaders of Salah al-Din between the years 1148 - 1185 AD to stand in the face of expanding syphilis cruciate and maintain lines of communication with Damascus and northern Syria.
Umm Qais: In the north and near the city of Irbid, the capital city of Umm Qais archaeological, overlooking their effects on the valley of the Yarmouk and the Jordan Valley and Lake Tiberias, and it corresponds to the Golan Heights, was built facilities ROMANIAN from the streets, theaters, pools of stone, black basalt, and characterized the city Bodharanha luxury, markets and gates, churches and the tunnel, which is a masterpiecein Irrigation Engineering.
Dead Sea: To the south-west of Amman, and at a distance of 55 km of which are located more parts of the earth down from sea level .. It is the Dead Sea, who lived through the historical periods of successive, becoming one of the most attractive places for tourists seeking warmth in winter, nature scenery, and strange, which is reflected in the Sea of ​​not being alive, which because of the density of salts, but in the salty waters cure for many diseases, and still Esicvon people in these waters for thousands of years. The Dead Sea salts are the raw materials for the production of potash and therapeutic bath salts and cosmetic products that are marketed around the world.

River Jordan: Some consider the Jordan River Gaulinaa rivers, especially the tributaries of the Hasbani and Banias and Wazzani and Alldan, all stem from the slopes of Mount Hermon and the Golan Heights, and run parallel to the western side of the plateau. And meet these tributaries with the Yarmouk River begins where the Jordan River waters that have become abundant source must for all water projects in Jordan and Palestine.
Karak is located south of the kingdom and its people is famous for hospitality, and still sounds echo between the walls and the walls echo the name of Saladin, who liberated after the defeat of the Crusaders at the Battle of Hattin, and remained a witness to a turning point in the history of the region.
The Crusaders built this castle to be a major point of contact between the development of a medium castle Shobak and Jerusalem, during the period of their control over the way the spread of Royal castles on high hills overlooking it. In the castle secret passages leading to underground rooms fortified castle towers, it gives the viewer through fascinating natural spectacle of the surrounding area.
Petra: Petra is considered the most famous monuments in Jordan, a city carved in the rocks, set up by the Nabataean Arabs by more than two thousand years to be the capital of their state, and has been witness to the miracle of human cities that come out of the bellies of mountains. Known Zaúrōha and readers in the name of (the city pink) relative to the color of the rocks that formed to build unique, a city more like a castle, located Petra at a distance of 262 km south of Amman, one of the most important sites and attractions in Jordan, where Tamha tour groups from all parts of the earth, and researchers can approach the manifestations of human history, and who want to invoking the ancient times, on a trip fun mixed with knowledge.
Up the visitor to the heart of Petra and passes through the Siq, the fissure terrible with a length of more than 1000 meters and rising edges rock 300 meters, and when the Siq to the end, it bends in the rotated side, and then dissipate the shadows to show the greatest effects splendor (safe) one of the wonders unique universe, which is carved in stone deaf on the front of the mountain, and Ska pink shine under the light of the sun, up 140 meters, 90 meters and display.
In the center of the city seen visiting hundreds of attractions, which drilled and established rights, structures, tall, and the tombs of ownership Bazjh, to the poster in the great room for seven thousand spectators, and houses large and small, vestibules, halls, and channels and water cisterns, baths, in addition to the ranks of the stairs decorated, and markets , gates Almksosh, and is the monastery of the largest archaeological sites in Petra, where the subject of 50 meters, and a height of 45 meters, with a height of up to 8 meters, and is likely to be a monastery was built in the third century AD, at the top of the monastery extends Nadhar Basra to the fullest extent , sees the land of Palestine and the entire Sinai
Aqaba: On the edge of the rocks, meet the sun and water with picturesque views of nature in the city of Aqaba, the city of golden sand, palm trees and lofty, and crystal water in the Gulf, home to the port of Jordan and the perpetrator of the sea, and beautiful winter tourism resorts on the shores of the Red Sea.
City date back to the era of Edomites, was called at that time (agent) and then ruled the Nabataeans and the Romans, The importance of Aqaba in the Byzantine period in the fourth century AD and became an important religious center, and became a Muslim city after the battle of Tabuk in 630 AD. Then subjected to the rule of the Mamluks and Crusaders and the Ottomans in a row, and built by the Mamluk castle of Aqaba in 1320, and taken by Sharif Hussein bin Ali to launch a fight against the Ottomans.
Aqaba lies on the Gulf of Aqaba, 360 km south of Amman, which enjoy visiting the world of the sea is amazing, and can practice hobbies such as swimming or water skiing, or fishing, or driving a boat sailing, or any kind of sea sports.
Those who wish to enjoy the sun, the beach is clean Akabawy attractive place to spend hours in quiet contemplation and relaxation. In Aqaba available warm winter, it drops the water temperature of 20 degrees and in addition to being a tourist city as well as Jordan's only port where issued by way of phosphate and potash, and up to thousands of ships loaded with different goods.
Wadi Rum:
Between dream and reality, serving the tourist of his time in Wadi Rum, which is also called the Valley of the Moon, because of the common topography with the topography of the moon, and the high mountains, which stands in the region, the visitor can touch the purity of nature in the Arabian desert, especially in the spring.
The area of ​​Wadi Rum, about 40 km from the city of Aqaba, the highest mountain peaks in the southern Levant are the mountains of Rum exciting challenge for the amateur climbing, and visitors can walk in the paths of the valley, and penetrated far in Msarbh spacious, or do group travel on camels, camping in the valley, in a special camp equipped with all necessary for comfortable overnight, and appeals to the visitor car trips wheel drive, and are held in this region offers for balloons and airships, sky decorated with bright colors.
Wadi Mujib:
Wadi Mujib Jordan is the jewel of time filled with houses of spiders and nests of birds.And see the fish swim in front of you and can be picked by hand. At the end of the corridor impressed when you see the rock formations do not see the like in your life. He was a magical place to explore and try to get to the waterfall and a wonderful place low but difficult to get to train in advance. And holds a private site and aesthetic is one of the best kept secrets of Jordan. And waterfall, which flows in the valley of this wonderful part of nature.
Religious sites:
In Jordan, the land of Edom, and Moab, and Ammon, and Gilead, a lot of shrines and holy places of Islam and Christianity and come to this land sites for researchers and the effects of the Prophets and companions. Jordan was the door of the Islamic conquests, and on Jordanian territory was some major historical battles, the most important Mutah ..And Yarmouk .. The stallion ..
To perpetuate the memory of the martyrs and the companions, set up mosques and mausoleums, shrines, which keep alive the Islamic victories in the modern mind, in the Mutah is a tomb Ja'far ibn Abi Talib and Zayd ibn Haritha shrine, and Abdullah bin Rawaahah God bless them. The Jordan Valley Faihtdhan a number of prominent shrines of companions, including: place of Dirar bin Azores and the shrine «Abu Obeida» Aamir ibn al-Jarrah, and serve as a good Sharhabil bin, and place of Maaz bin Jabal, and the shrine Amer bin Abi Waqas.
In the midst of the Jordan, near the city of Salt Nabi Ayoub is located in the village of «Batna». There is also a place of Prophet Shuaib in Wadi Shuaib near Salt.

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