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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Commodity Futures Trading And Forex Trading - How Fortunes Are Made Today!

Many people are hooked to forex trading after the crash of the stock market in 2008. Infact in the last decade, many people become millionaires trading forex. It is being said that in this decade forex trading will create many more millionaires. Traders and investors are turning towards forex in droves. The opening of the retail forex market has been the most revolutionary development of the last decade.

Now, any small investor can start trading forex by opening a forex trading account with as little as $250. Retail forex market is experiencing unprecedented growth. This growth in the retail forex market is infact explosive. It is expected that this explosive growth in the retail forex market will continue in this decade. Spot forex trading is the name of the game.

But have you ever thought of Commodity Futures Trading? The money making potential of forex trading and commodity futures trading is staggering. Many fortunes have been made in the last few decades by ordinary traders trading these markets. Let me quote a few examples:

1. Bruce Kovner-He was a former NYC Taxi Cab driver who turned his $3,000 into $11 Billion in a few decades when he started trading forex and futures in 1977.

2. John Henry turned $16,000 into $1.3 Billion trading commodity futures. Now, he owns the Boston Red Sox, Fenway Part etc.

3. Ed Seykota turned his $5,000 into $15 Million in just under 12 years.

4. Richard Dennis is one of the trading legends who started with only $400 and turned that into $200 Million in the next decade.

Whatever, there are many more examples that can be quoted of ordinary people turning into millionaires and even billionaires trading forex and commodity futures.

Now, the futures market is a highly regulated market unlike the spot forex market that is unregulated and uncentralized. Futures trading is done through a Central Clearing House that makes it a regulated market with a better price discovery and better trade executions as compared to the spot forex market. You can trade many futures contracts that includes forex futures, commodity futures and a host of other contracts. You can trade dozens of commodity futures contracts that includes the agriculture commodity futures.

Right now, the gold market is in a bullish mood. Gold prices are hovering around $1,200 per ounce. It is being said that within the next year, gold prices can go as high as $2,500 per ounce. The same thing is happening to the silver market. Silver has six times more potential to skyrocket as compared to gold. Agriculture commodities like soybean, coffee, corn, cotton etc are in hot demand all over the world.

It is being said that the commodity market will be in a boom for many decades in the first part of the 21st century. This boom will be fueled by the rising population all over the world that would naturally yearn for these commodities to satisfy their demand for a better living.As the supply of these commodities is limited, the world will experience unprecedented commodity prices in the near future. Think about the oil prices reaching as high as $200 per barrel in the next few years.

Oil is one of the most heavily traded commodities in the world. Now, you can spot trade oil and gold from the same forex broker platform. Whatever, if you know spot forex trading, you can easily master commodity futures market. The basics are the same. There might be some difference in the details but the same technical indicators work in both the markets and the same theory behind price action works in both the markets.

Combining forex with commodity futures trading can make you a fortune in this decade. This is you chance to make your fortune now just like RIchard Dennis. Remember, he was also once upon a time a small time trader who had started with only $400. Don't hesitate, you chance to make a fortune is standing in front of you!

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