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Monday, December 12, 2011

How to earn money Online for your stay at home Moms

Many people think that earn extra money online is as easy as turning point
a light switch, let me tell you folks, is actually rather difficult especially
If you don't have a lot of extra money to spend on marketing tools and
advertising is different from your internet connection.

So as you earn extra money online when you don't know anything about
computer programming or writing a sales letter or running a real business
on the internet for that matter? Where you start? Go to,
some gurus who is making millions, half the time that I do not understand what
heck they are talking about.

What you need is a step by step guide that will teach you the basics
How to earn extra income online, even if you are a stay at home mom.
The e-book is in pdf format, which means that you need a player that will be
allows you to open and read the book.

Couple of weeks ago I bought an e-book called "Beginners list Formula"
by Mike Peter. This e-book is written in a language that you and
I can understand, plus it's really easy to follow and is intended
newbies (people who are new to internet marketing) or for people who
want to start building their opt-in list from scratch, like me.

In the first few pages, Mike explains why he wrote the book that
It was a result from siminars who had done in the past to help people
actually start making money and to understand the process that takes
to put together a sustainable business.

The following pages, Mike describes the Foundation to start your
online business (Yes, you have to treat it as a business) and how
get organize building opt-in list. The first step is the construction
a list of prospects, your future customers loyal and Mike explains
How can maximize your earning potential while building your

Mike Peter then explains which tools you need to start and
shows you how to work the entire process. The exhibition of simple flowchart
as the prospect gets to your squeezpage/landing page, fill in the
form, leads them to a page of OTO, thank you page or
Page co-registration and until the prospect receiving your autoresponder

The e-book will explain to you what all those words if you're not
familiar with them. Once you learn how each work tools and how to
all tie together and how to drive traffic to your squeeze page, Mike
will show you how to take the next step, which is creating its own
information products. Audio Podcast that comes with the ebook gives
You have ideas on how to create your own product.

I guess if you're new to internet marketing, you should concentrate
your effort in finding your customers, what kind of customers are you
going to target and discover what they want and find a way to give
to them, then take massive action.

The e-book is brandable, which means that you can modify the affliate links
in e-book with its so that when a prospects buy the book from
You will earn commissions should he/she joins a particular program
and makes a purchase. That is the best part about the e-book that I like.

The only thing I disliked about this e-book is that once
The offer is too high and don't recommend for beginner marketers.
You can see what a OTO or one time offer is and how you can do more
money from your list building efforts. The e-book itself is a great
Primer for newbie marketer and certainly will help you get started
earn money online, even if you are a stay at home mom, I highly
recommend this e-book.

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