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Friday, June 29, 2012

Building Your Business Is A Team Effort

Have an idea? Good, now write it down and turn your idea into a business. Easy enough, right? So many of us have “the best idea ever” or a way to improve someone else’s idea in a revolutionary way, but we never follow through. Which means all of those great ideas will never turn into businesses, (unless we tell them to someone else and that someone else pursues our dream). Where do those dreams and great ideas go? To the graveyard of un-pursued dreams?

Is your idea good enough? Heck, who knows? Only time will tell. So asking other people if they feel your business idea is good can be the wrong way of going about things. Especially if you’re just asking friends and family – people who may not understand the industry or have a clue about what you’re rambling on about. Or maybe you’re asking people who have heard the same ideas but from another person. So you may receive quite a generic answer or even feedback that seems discouraging.
You have the upper hand when you actually get the ball rolling. Actually letting the idea take shape, letting the idea form into something tangible. For this you will need the right people behind you, (or supporting and advising you), to help you bring your idea to fruition.

How do you find out about your future customers’ likes and dislikes? Well you have to first sell something to a customer. Of course without customers it would be impossible for you to become a business. But yet again, it all starts with the people you work with, the go-getters, the doers. Not the people who wait for things to happen.
I think about when I was applying for jobs in companies and I would see posts like, “must be good at ‘insert any fun activity that does not normally take place during working hours’” listed under the job description. To me this was a college graduate’s dream.

It seems companies are trying to appeal to younger people who are active and happy in their work place. Thus building a management team that’s young and lively. Maybe it works. Also I think it promotes a healthy work environment, which is a no-brainer, people will actually want to come to a fun work environment.
This is how you can construct your business, building a place for people who are willing to come and be part of your team. Is this the answer behind your business idea question? Maybe.
So asking random people if your idea is good or not may not be the best thing to do. But ask yourself, “do I have a good team of people surrounding me?” If not, then you even if your business idea is a winner, you may have trouble bringing your dream to life.

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