So far, officials said they have concluded that motor on the rocket first stage consisted of four North Korean missile engines "Rodong" stuck together, and that the North Koreans used their Scud missile engine-type booster rocket's second stage. "Efficient developed a long-range missile three-stage using their missile technology Rodong and Scud exists," a senior military intelligence officer said Sunday, briefing journalists on condition of anonymity.
For an oxidizer, North Korea used red fuming nitric acid, commonly used as a rocket propellant in old Soviet-built Scud missiles, as well as Iranian missiles and North Korea, said the official. Most of the space program's rockets use liquid oxygen as the oxidizer, said. Unlike liquid oxygen, which must be maintained at extremely cold temperatures, red fuming nitric acid may be stored at normal temperatures, which makes it a convenient propellant for missiles, the official said. The design of the oxidizing tank also suggested a "free Iran" in the program of North Korea rocket, he said.
Officials found the welding on the tank oxidizing agent to be "rough", "irregular" and "handmade". They also found some foreign-made components, despite the pretense of North Korea that the rocket was "produced 100 percent indigenous." But they said they scored a great technological advancement for North Korea to start a three-stage rocket to put an object into orbit. Former Rocket Test all of North Korea had failed to reach orbit, according to Western officials. Analysts doubted that North Korea has mastered the technology necessary to miniaturize a nuclear weapon to mount on a missile. South Korean officials also said Sunday that there was no confirmation of whether the North had the "re-entry" technology required for the warhead of an intercontinental ballistic missile to survive the heat and vibration when it crashes through the Earth's atmosphere.
Resolutions of the UN Security Council imposed after the North's nuclear teats in 2006 and in 2009, the ban in the country, a member of the United Nations, from any rocket launch using ballistic missile technology. They imposed economic sanctions aimed at blocking North Korea from acquiring nuclear or proliferation and missile technology, but analysts have long suspected that Iran and North Korea were cooperating closely in their nuclear programs and missile components and sharing test data. Successful launch of the rocket was a big boost for the young leader, Kim Jong-un. On Saturday, North Korea awarded a title of hero, "one of the highest honors of the country, at 101 scientists and engineers involved in the development of the rocket, its State-run news media reported Sunday.
On Friday, Mr. Kim threw a huge feast for scientists and called for the development and launch of "a variety of more satellites," and "large capacity carrier rockets."
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