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© Tuomas UusheimocnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length]={"currentPicture":true,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":1,"title":"Kamppi Chapel of Silence, Helsinki"}Inside the Kamppi Chapel, the curving inner wall is made out of alder planks into a closed space with light falling from above.
© Tuomas UusheimocnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length]={"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":2,"title":""}Built to host some of the main events of the World Design Capital year, the Summer Pavilion is a temporary structure made entirely out of Finnish timber.
© Tuomas UusheimocnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length]={"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":3,"title":"Summer Pavilion, Helsinki"}A lattice timber canopy gives a feeling of lightness to the pavilion. The structure will be recycled for a new architectural project next year.
© Tuomas UusheimocnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length]={"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":4,"title":""}The Kilden Theatre overlooks the harbour of Kristiansand in Norway. Its bold sculptural ceiling was designed using techniques from traditional boat construction.
© Tuomas UusheimocnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length]={"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":5,"title":"Kilden Theatre, Kristiansand, Norway"}The elegant curve of the Kilden Theatre ceiling is a real showpiece of craftsmanship in wood, made out of local oak planks. All images © Tuomas UusheimocnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length]={"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":6,"title":""}HIDE CAPTIONKamppi Chapel of Silence, HelsinkiSummer Pavilion, HelsinkiKilden Theatre, Kristiansand, Norway<<<123456>>>Event.observe(window,'load',function(){if(typeof(cnn_adbptrackpgalimg) == 'function' && typeof(cnnArticleGallery) != 'undefined'){cnn_adbptrackpgalimg(cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[0].image,"Scandinavia's spectacular forms in wood");}});STORY HIGHLIGHTSWooden structures a central theme during World Design Capital year in Helsinki Buildings like the Kamppi Chapel in Helsinki an example of exquisite timber craftsmanship Wood and wooden buildings a part of Nordic countries architectural heritage Editor's note: This piece is taken from Grand Tour magazine, a new travel magazine produced by an international team with a passion for architecture.
(CNN) -- Wood as a building material is having a real comeback in contemporary Scandinavian design. Bent into minimalistic circular structures and sculptural forms, it is used with surprising results thanks to engineering and technical innovations. Offering a wealth of aesthetic possibilities, timber is now being hailed as the concrete of 21st Century.
Innovative architectural forms in wood was one of the central themes emerging during the World Design Capital year in Helsinki. As the planet is threatened by an ecological crisis, showcasing and promoting new eco-friendly materials was a valuable objective in the WDC program -- a topic also extended to the Finnish Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale.As exhibition designer Esa Vesmanen points out: "The young generation of architects have taken up wood with an innovative approach, thinking about all its possibilities from a new perspective.""As a living material, wood is both challenging and inspiringPyry-Pekka KantonenIn Helsinki, at the Aalto University architecture school, a studio in timber design offers students the possibility for a particular focus. A Summer Pavilion for the World Design Capital events was created by a team of students from an initial concept designed by Pyry-Pekka Kantonen."As a living material, wood is both challenging and inspiring," Kantonen says. The fact that wood is the most eco-friendly building material is an obvious reason for its use, but as Kantonen explains its aesthetic qualities are being rediscovered and appreciated again.In public buildings, such as the Kilden Theater and Concert Hall in Kristiansand in Norway wooden surfaces have been cleverly used for psychological effects.Juha Gronholm from the Finnish architectural studio ALA explains that the concert hall was conceived to feel as a musical instrument in itself. The undulating form of the ceiling was built from local oak based on traditional boat construction principles. Such a formal solution would have been impossible to make out of any other material.In a similar way the Kamppi Chapel of Silence is an example of exquisite craftsmanship in the treatment of timber.Erected in one of the busiest areas in Helsinki the chapel looks like a giant wooden bowl that has accidentally landed in the heart of the city and feels almost like a piece of conceptual art -- architecture with spiritual and intellectual connotations -- as sacred buildings should, of course. Its setting is unusual and its circular form radically breaking traditional models of architecture."It would be crazy not to make the most of a material, which is renewable and responds to serious environmental threats
Pyry-Pekka KantonenIn Nordic countries and in the Balkans, wood has always been part of the architectural heritage. Weekends and holidays are still spent in waterfront log cabins and wooden cottages, but due to safety regulations -- and a disdain towards traditional materials in the 1960's -- its use diminished in family house building. Wood has been perceived as a modest material. A sense of simplicity and truthfulness is still associated to all timber constructions.In a world where our ecological footprint is continuously considered, the reality of wood being the new concrete looks plausible indeed. Not only does wood absorb the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, it also stores it in its finished form. The entire lifecycle of wood from construction to recycling benefits the planet from an ecological perspective.In countries where wood is a natural resource buildings made out of timber make perfect sense. "It would be crazy not to make the most of a material, which is renewable and responds to serious environmental threats," Kantonen says. "Producing concrete and steel takes huge amounts of energy."He also believes that wooden buildings will attribute to a better society where people are more tolerant and open towards each other:"There is a warmth in wood and I don't just mean the physical characteristics."© 2012 Grand Tour Magazine. All rights reserved. 0Comments »PrintEmailMore sharingvar OB_permalink=''+location.pathname;var OB_langJS='';var OB_widgetId='AR_1';var OB_Template="cnnedition";if (typeof(OB_Script)!='undefined'){OutbrainStart();}else{var OB_Script=true;var str="cnnad_createAd("57468","¶ms.styles=fs","95","607");cnnad_registerSpace(57468,607,95);cnnad_createAd("487229","¶ms.styles=fs","850","336");cnnad_registerSpace(487229,336,850);Part of complete coverage on Explore more with Eco SolutionsMekong River dam dilemmaDecember 19, 2012 -- Updated 0216 GMT (1016 HKT)A dam project in Cambodia could destroy livelihoods and ecosystems, says Conservation InternationalShipping looks to clean up its actDecember 18, 2012 -- Updated 0322 GMT (1122 HKT)Shipping lines, port authorities and technology companies are taking the initiative to go green and reduce costs.Urban farming looking upDecember 10, 2012 -- Updated 0206 GMT (1006 HKT)Less than 20 miles from Singapore's skyscrapers is a completely different set of high-rise towers. Pitcairn's marine bounty December 6, 2012 -- Updated 1104 GMT (1904 HKT)The Pitcairn Islands might only have 55 human inhabitants, but the waters surrounding them are teeming with marine life. Brazil's biofuel ideaDecember 3, 2012 -- Updated 0322 GMT (1122 HKT)Biofuel made from sugar cane waste in Brazil could revolutionize the global energy industry. The road aheadNovember 26, 2012 -- Updated 0258 GMT (1058 HKT)Many believe that fuel-cell cars will overtake electric vehicles in the near future. Skyscraper turns to age-old design November 19, 2012 -- Updated 0820 GMT (1620 HKT)Modern and sustainable buildings in the UAE are taking cues from an ancient Arabic design tradition.Project to turn desert greenNovember 14, 2012 -- Updated 1437 GMT (2237 HKT)In a region known for its towering skyscrapers, the erection of a modestly-sized greenhouse might not appear worthy of much attention.Cancun's underwater artNovember 12, 2012 -- Updated 0409 GMT (1209 HKT)One man's artistic vision is distracting divers from Cancun's threatened underwater ecosystem. Flower power vs Lake VictoriaNovember 12, 2012 -- Updated 1746 GMT (0146 HKT)Lake Victoria, Africa's largest lake, has been plagued by water hyacinth plants for over two decades. Infographic: the price of natureJust how much are natural wonders like the Great Barrier Reef worth in monetary terms? Deep water coral thrivingOctober 26, 2012 -- Updated 0623 GMT (1423 HKT)A recent survey of the Coral Sea and Great Barrier Reef has found coral flourishing in deep waters, a stark contrast to the shallower reefs. Vietnam bear sanctuary threatOctober 19, 2012 -- Updated 0247 GMT (1047 HKT)Wildlife lobbyists are mounting an online campaign to urge Vietnam's prime minister to reprieve an animal sanctuary threatened with closure.London's tunnel visionOctober 18, 2012 -- Updated 1219 GMT (2019 HKT)A design competition gives London's disued tunnels and waterways a make-over..cnn_strycrcntrnwsp .cnn_mtpmore { padding:10px 0px 1px 0px; }.cnn_stryccnwsp2 .cnn_stryccnwsp3 { width:100% }Most PopularToday's five most popular storiesState Department resignations follow Benghazi reportObama to GOP: It's about the country, not meBarca rocked by Vilanova relapse but coach to remain in postPark Geun-hye claims South Korea presidential victoryObama: Proposals to address gun violence due by Januarycnnad_createAd("480761","¶ms.styles=fs","150","300");cnnad_registerSpace(480761,300,150);
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