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Monday, September 12, 2011

Portal:Contents/Technology and applied sciences

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Wikipedia's contents: Technology and applied sciences

A rotating carbon nanotube.
Technology is a broad concept that deals with a species' usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects a species' ability to control and adapt to itsenvironment. In human society, it is a consequence of science and engineering, although several technological advances predate the formalization of these two disciplines. The term can either be applied generally or to specific areas – examples include construction technologymedical technology, or state-of-the-arttechnology.
The human race's use of technology began with the conversion of plentiful natural resources into simple tools. The prehistorical discovery of the ability to control fireincreased the available sources of food, and the invention of the wheel helped humans in travelling in and controlling their environment. Recent technological developments, including the printing press and the Internet, have lessened physical barriers to communication and allowed humans to interact on a global scale. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes; the development of weapons of ever-increasing destructive power has progressed throughout history, from clubs to nuclear bombs.
Applied science is the application of knowledge from one or more natural scientific fields to solving practical problems. For example, fields of engineering are applied sciences. Applied science is important for technology development. Its use in industrial settings is usually referred to as research and development (R&D).
Technology and applied sciences: Overview • Lists • Outlines • Portals • Categories • Glossaries • Indexes
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P literature.svg Overview   (see for all subject areas)

Technological concepts and issues • Appropriate technology • Diffusion of innovations • Doomsday device • High technology • History of science and technology • History of technology •Industry • Innovation • Knowledge economy • Persuasion technology • Pollution • Posthumanism • Precautionary principle • Research and development • Strategy of technology • Superpowers •Technicism • Technocapitalism • Technocriticism • Techno-progressivism • Technological convergence • Technological evolution • Technological determinism • Technological diffusion •Technological singularity • Technology acceptance model • Technology assessment • Technology lifecycle • Technology transfer • Technology Tree • Technorealism • Timeline of invention •Transhumanism
Technologies and applied sciences • Aerospace • Agricultureagricultural science, & agronomy • Architecture • Artificial intelligence • Automation • Automobile • Big Science • Biotechnology •Cartography • Chemical engineering • Communication • Computer science (ComputingProgrammingSoftware engineeringList of open problems in computer science) • Construction • Dentistry •Design • Education • Electronics • Energy development • Energy storage • Engineering • Ergonomics • Family and consumer science • Firefighting • Forensics • Forestry • Free software • Health sciences • Health • Industry • Information science • Information technology • Internet • Library and information science • Machines • Management • Manufacturing • Marketing • Mass communication • Mass production • Medicine (Unsolved problems in neuroscience) • Military science • Military technology and equipment • Mining • Nanotechnology • Nuclear technology •Nutrition • Packaging and labeling Processes • Robotics • Space exploration • Technology forecasting • Telecommunications • Tools • Transport • Vehicles • Weapons
Architecture and Construction
Buildings and structures: Tallest (London) • Irish buildings • Historic landmarks
Lighthouses and lightvessels: Belgium • Canada • France • Germany • Sweden • United States
Windmills: UK
Watermills: UK
Energy infrastructure: Largest • Coal • Fuel oil • Natural gas • Nuclear • Hydroelectric • Geothermal • Photovoltaic • Solar thermal • Tidal • Wind (Onshore • Offshore)
Water infrastructure: Largest • Reservoirs and dams • Tallest • Canals
World Wide Web: Colors • XML and HTML characters • HTML editors
Web technologies: Java • .NET • Web 2.0 • Ajax
Character sets and encodings: ASCII • EBCDIC • ISO 646 • ISO 8859-1 • ISO 8859-2 • ISO 8859-3 • ISO 8859-8 • ISO 8859-11 • ISO 8859-15 • Unicode • UTF-7 • UTF-8 • UTF-16 • UTF-32 •Windows-1252
Programming languages: Alphabetical list • Categorical list • Chronological list • Generational list
Engineering: Branches
Military strategies: Thirty-Six Strategies • Military tactics
Air forces of the world
Military air bases: Royal Air Force • Royal Canadian Air Force • US Air Force • US Army • US Coast Guard • US Marine Corps • US Navy
Air force commands: Royal Air Force • USAAF NAF Component Commands
Aircraft groups: Royal Air Force
Aircraft squadrons: British Army Air Corps • British Fleet Air Arm • Royal Air Force • US Air Force • US Army • US Marine Corps • US Navy
Aircraft wings: Royal Navy • US Navy
Armies of the world
Armies (by number) • Military corps (by number • by name) • Military divisions (by number • by name)
United Kingdom: Regiments of Foot • Regiments (1881) • Regiments (1903) • Regiments (1922) • Regiments (1962) • Regiments (1994) • British Forces in the American Revolutionary War
United States of America: Armies • Corps • Divisions • Defense contractors • Military bases
Navies of the world: Fleets
Military groups in WWI and WWII
Australia: Divisions in WWI • WWII
Britain: Groups in WWII • Armies in WWI • WWII • Corps in WWI • Divisions in WWI • WWII
Canada: Divisions in WWII
Germany: Prisoner of War Camps in WWII
India: Corps in WWII • Divisions in WWII
Poland: Divisions in WWII
United States of America: Groups in WWII
Terrorists of the world: Terrorist groups • Terrorist incidents
Military bases
Military events: Battles • Guerrilla movements • invasions • Military missions, operations, and projects • Terrorist incidents • Wars
Martial arts: Weapons
Weapons and miscellaneous topics
Military technology and equipment: Weapons • Aircraft weapons • World War II weapons • Missiles • Armoured fighting vehicles • NATO reporting names • Swords
Wiki letter w cropped.svgThis section requires expansion.
By country • WWII
Military aircraft: Luftwaffe • Soviet Union and CIS • United States • British Army Air Corps • Royal Air Force • Fleet Air Arm • Israeli • Australian Air Force • Australian Navy • Canadian Air Force • Canadian Navy • New Zealand Air Force and Navy • South African • Irish • Armée de l'Air • NATO reporting names for misc aircraft • NATO reporting names for transport aircraft • US X-planes
Naval technology
By era/war: World War II
By type: Aircraft Carriers • Battleships • Cruisers • Destroyers • LSTs
By operator: Australia • Canada • Germany • India • Japan • Netherlands • United Kingdom • Royal Fleet Auxiliary (UK) • United States • Military Sealift Command (USA) • Soviet Union
Transportation: Transport museums
Aviation: Aircraft • Manufacturers • Engines • Engine manufacturers • Weapons • By date and use
Aviation accidents • By airline • By location • By year
Airports • FR • BE • GR • JP • PL • UK • AU
Land transport
Automobiles: Manufacturers • Trucks
List of convoy codes
Cycles: bicycle parts
Rail transport
Heritage railways
Light-rail transit • Melbourne tram routes • Metros • London Underground stations • closed London Underground stations • Melbourne railway stations • closed Melbourne railway stations• List of famous trains • List of railway stations - UK • closed New York City Subway stations
Road systems
Roads and highways: US Interstates • UK motorways : Highways in Australia • List of U.S. Routes • US state highways
Bridges: UK • USA • Largest
Tunnels: NL • NZ • UK
Nautical / Shipping technology: Ships • Fictional ships • Sailboats • Marinas
Space transport: Spacecraft
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P literature.svg Outlines   (see for all subject areas)

Main outlines: Outline of science and
  • Forensics – application of a broad spectrum of sciences to answer questions of interest to a legal system. This may be in relation to a crime or a civil action.
  • Firefighting – act of extinguishing fires. A firefighter fights fires to prevent destruction of life, property and the environment. Firefighting is a professional technical skill that requires years of training.
  • Forestry – art and science of tree resources, including plantations and natural stands. The main goal of forestry is to create and implement systems that allow forests to continue a sustainable provision of environmental supplies and services.
  • Hydrology – The study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water on Earth and other planets, including the hydrologic cycle, water resources and environmental watershed sustainability.
  • Nanotechology – The study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally, nanotechnology deals with structures sized between 1 to 100 nanometre in at least one dimension, and involves developing materials or devices possessing at least one dimension within that size.
  • Sustainability – capacity to endure. In ecology, the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. Long-lived and healthy wetlands and forests are examples of sustainable biological systems. For humans, sustainability is the potential for long-term maintenance of well being, which has environmental, economic, and social dimensions.
  • Business management – act of getting people together to accomplish profit-oriented goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. It comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling a business or effort for the purpose of earning a profit.
    • Actuarial science – discipline that applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in the insurance and finance industries.
    • Marketing – process used to determine what products or services may be of interest to customers, and generate the strategy of sales techniques and business communication to build strong customer relationships.
    • Manufacturing – use of machines, tools and labor to produce goods for use or sale. The term may refer to a range of human activity, from handicraft to high tech, but is most commonly applied to industrial production, in which raw materials are transformed into finished goods on a large scale.
  • Domestic
    • Education – any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another.
    • Family and consumer science – deals with the relationship between individuals or families and the social environment in which they live. It is the study of life skills and draws upon consumer science, nutrition, food preparation, parenting, family economics and other related subjects.
  • Energy
  • Engineering –
  • Health
    • Biotechnology –
    • Ergonomics – The study of designing equipment and devices that fit the human body, its movements, and its cognitive abilities.
  • Industry –
  • Information technology
  • Military science –
  • Transport –
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Portal-puzzle.svg Portals   (see for all subject areas)

Agriculture and Agronomy • ArchitectureCscr-featured.svg (BridgesPortal) • Biotechnology • ElectronicsCscr-featured.svg • EnergyCscr-featured.svg (Renewable energy) • Engineering • Hazardous Materials • Home improvement •Infrastructure • Nanotechnology • Nuclear technology • Robotics Cscr-featured.svg
Apple Inc. • Blu-ray • Computer networking (InternetCscr-featured.svgIRC) • Computer science (Artificial intelligence) • Computer security (Cryptography) • Google • Microsoft • Java • Python programming •Software (Free softwareLinux) • Telecommunication • Typography
AviationCscr-featured.svg • Cars (AustralianJapanese) • Bicycles/Cycling • Buses • London TransportCscr-featured.svg • Nautical • Roads (Canada RoadsU.S. RoadsCscr-featured.svgMichigan HighwaysCscr-featured.svgNew York Roads,Washington Roads) • Spaceflight • TrainsCscr-featured.svg (UK RailwaysRailways in IndiaUK TramsSteam locomotives) • UK Waterways
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C Puzzle.png Categories   (see for all subject areas)

Main categories: Technology and Applied sciences
Agriculture & Agronomy • Architecture • Automation • Biotechnology • Blu-ray • Cartography • Chemical engineering • Communication (Media studies • Telecommunications) • Construction •Design • Digital divide • Earthquake engineering • Electronics • Energy • Ergonomics • Firefighting • Fire prevention • Forensics • Forestry • Industry • Information science • Information technology •Internet • Management • Manufacturing • Marketing • Medicine (Unsolved problems in neuroscience) • Metalworking • Microtechnology • Military science • Mining • Nanotechnology • Nuclear technology • Nutrition • Optics • Plumbing • Robotics • Sound technology • Technology forecasting • Tools
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P literature.svg Glossaries   (see for all subject areas)

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P literature.svg Indexes   (see for all subject areas)

Main indexes: Index of science articles and Index of technology articles.
Agricultural science
Artificial intelligence
Big Science
Index of biomedical engineering articles
Chemical engineering
Computer science
Information technology
Android OS
Software engineering
Structural engineering
Energy development
Energy storage
Steam energy
Renewable energy
Index of solar energy articles
Structural engineering
Family and consumer science
Free software
Health sciences
Industrial machinery
Information technology
Library science (aka "Library and information science")
Theory of Constraints
Mass production
Military technology and equipment
Nuclear technology
Optical technology
Oral health
Space exploration
Index of aviation articles
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