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Friday, September 30, 2011

The main principles of fair trade
During this current trade 關係, etiquette column gives the general principles of fair trade movement and supported 倡導: [5] Equipment and raw creative urges 會 產者 for weak economy 一種永續發展及減輕貧窮的策略 for fair trade, and raw or 產者 邊緣 會 creation machine in the system under a weak trade integration Chuan urges some good for the economy 是 那些 它的 goal. Transparency may 及可 responsibility Commercial and administrative transparency 關係 schematic than fair trade, trade 夥伴 phase 處 given such respect 以平 及互 phase. Ability to structure construction Shi 一種發展生產者獨立性的手段 trade fair, offers 續性 關係 have completed a kind of fair trade, in 這之 Currently, market competence management finesse 其 及 發掘 improve students ability 產者 及其 market organization. 價格 equity (fair price) and with Subsection 價格 fair, 價格 an agreement mutually kind of form where given 及參 對話 transparent Shi, books 產成 students completed include only 它不 principles of environmental protection given justice 會 both companies signed Seiya simultaneous rewards fair 產者 students completed provided 它, as equality of the sexes weighing Seiya simultaneous酬的 principles, along with a pleasant 其夥 款予 證儘 spikelet fair trade, fiscal and financial 狀況 產 live performance some time over the previous year harvest aid 產者 以幫 live. Gender equality 價及 benefit of womankind 勞動 當的 functionally assess fair trade, a process defined contribution 獻而 產 woman 於生 以對 reward Shi, housewives 權予 simultaneous assessment of current organization. 勞動 Conditions Provide fair trade raw 產者 一個健康及安全的工作環境, and 兒童 參與 如有, 兒童 growth potential impact of non-completion rules, safety 及 educational requirements, and land laws and customary 權利 及當 兒童 Allies must sign Seiya simultaneously. Environmental protection Responsibility Act of raw 產手 negative environmental protection and good 踐及 勵更 M. Drum fair trade actively. [编辑] fair trade movement consists of Oncology

稻米 and fair trade raw 認證 產者 Thailand Trade fair go 屬於 一個或數個國內或國際的連盟 mouth 份的 most mercantile city, co 這些 Federation, promoting fair trade 倡及 provide organizational tools, where the columns of the table below 一些最大及最具影響力的組織 flight Shi: Organization lottery mark trade fair Nations (Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International, FLO 簡稱) 1997 at its founding, 體 Dan Reissue lottery mark trade fair 證的 及認 stand revised canonical merchants Most 及 maximum Shi, diurnal 它在, fifty excess Zhou beauty Ding 及拉 亞洲產 organization regularly 檢驗 證生 及認 national, completed approximately 一百萬戶的農業及勞動家庭 inclusion. Fair trade agreements 會 Nations (International Fair Trade Association, IFAT 簡稱), founded at 1989, 一個由公平貿易生產公司及協會 Shi, Ltd 銷 out, the mouth proceed, 售商 zero, Dan 體 fair trade fair trade support lines 區性 及地 national team where compositional 會 global cooperation, current 2004 fee established IFAT "standard lottery fair trade organization" (FTO Mark) by 以識 那些 fair trade organizations (FLO system given contradictory, product endorsement 證產 FLO), currently exceeding six 十個國家有將近 IFAT 300 member organizations. Line shopping with World 歐洲 (Network of European Worldshops, NEWS 簡稱), founded at 1994, umbrella-shaped wire with a composition each 會所 one reason co-Shi 15 stores worldwide, and national inequality thirty pieces all 歐洲 佈於 cursory. 歐洲 會 fair trade agreements (European Fair Trade Association, EFTA 簡稱), founded at 1990, 一個歐洲地區公平貿易組織的連線 Shi, diurnal 其從, urged students 貨品 產團 體進 mouth on the economy weak near 400 Avenue Beauty 及拉 亞洲 Zhou, EFTA及成 statute of limitations fair trade 效率 及使 equipment and proceed further opening of trade fair and objective, Hiroshi 於推 current, simultaneous, fair trade goods-market publication 關於 Reissue 每年 EFTA, having 11 members to nine national and inequality today at EFTA. Currently 1998, FINE organization holds each completed four or more, 一個以協調公平貿易的標準及準則 rate boost fair trade 及效 provide quality supervision system, fair trade federation for official purposes and non-sexual politics 倡議. Fair Trade Alliance (The Fair Trade Federation, FTF 簡稱) 一個美國及加拿大公平貿易批發商 Shi, business organization established 及零 售商 mouth go away, cause consolidated Rae trade fair gives students 體 產團 member organization 將其 crawling, fair trade and investment 訊 simultaneous random an exchange center, a consolidated unit 會 其成 及 employee 也對 provide resources.

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