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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Recent articles
use of the term eco-tourism in different contexts, but also increasingly in vogue within the terms rural tourism , green tourism , nature tourism , along with lots of other phrases involving the word tourism such as adventure tourism , bioturizm and other can easily mislead not only the usual tourist or a business owner beginner agrousadby , but also a specialist in the field of environmental protection.
Try to understand what does eco-tourism and some related and sometimes unfairly identified with him the concept, most commonly found in advertising publications and other media.

Navchannya s organіzatsії dіyalnostі in sferі sіlskogo green tourism
As with. Gayove Barskogo area znahoditsya navchalny center s rozvitku sіlskogo green tourism in Vіnnitskіy oblastі. Trenіngovy center roztashovany budinku in culture. Gayove. Participants navchannya prozhivayut harchuyutsya that in living with sadibah. Gayove. Got Navchannya theoreticity-practical nature ...

Agritourism yak mozhlivіst rozvitku Vіnnitskoї oblastі
The project "Farmhouse yak mozhlivіst rozvitku Vіnnitskoї oblastі" realіzuєtsya Svєntokshiskim voєvodstvom - Marshalkіvskoyu Justice Svєntokshiskogo voєvodstva in Kielce, Vіnnitskoyu oblasnoyu Sovereign admіnіstratsієyu that Spіlkoyu spriyannya rozvitku sіlskogo green tourism Ukraїnі ...

Draft Law of Ukraine "About the agrarian tourism that agroturistichnu dіyalnіst"
W metoyu stimulyuvannya i zaohochennya osobistih Selyanske gospodarstv to agroturistichnoї dіyalnostі that rozvitku pіdpriєmnitskoї іnіtsіativi Mіnagropolіtiki rozrobilo draft Law of Ukraine "About the agrarian tourism that agroturistichnu dіyalnіst"

(Zatverdzheny decided Kabіnetu Mіnіstrіv Ukraine vіd Berezno 2006 p 15. N 297)
1. Tsei order regulyuє power nadannya yuridichnimi that fіzichnimi personages poslug s timchasovogo rozmіschennya (live) ...

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