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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Recently, the who, Medical Spa of Italy (in Italian Terme Terme ) spoke of the journey.

Japanese Tamagawa hot spring , etc. Unlike seem to be very bluntly how the curriculum is organized treatment.

So, be noted that, in the world medical tourism (also called health tourism.) Trends.

And medical tourism, package tours by a set of medical services and tourism, foreign travelers checkups, cosmetic surgery, corrective eye surgery and other medical services than the country of tourists, cheap and unique to that country, as well 療術 tradition, but an attempt to provide tourism.

India, Thailand, Greece, Panama, the Arab Federation, China, Philippines, Singapore, Bangladesh, Argentina, etc., have become popular. .

Particularly active in India, what's that thing also serves as therapy and yoga.

Here the Indian calendar medical therapy , but there is.

First ①, send a medical certificate before leaving India, subject to risk assessment.

So ②, should hold OK, coming a policy of surgery and treatment strategies.

So ③, finally, starting in India.

④ In India, subject to consulting a doctor.

Hospitalization ⑤, surgery.

Received postoperative measures ⑥, after the rest, returning home.

It seems like.

So what have any tour package.

Packages vary by country but, for example, a package of medical tourism to India's recruitment in America, there is something like the following.

○ joint replacement surgery
for knee replacement surgery, hip replacement surgery either at night seven days, and that it $ 12,000.

Cardiac surgery ○ - If heart surgery in the United States, but consuming three million dollars, went to medical tourism in India, if the surgery, live on eight thousand dollars.

Plastic Surgery ○ - the latest technology in surgery, receive in India.
Rates in breast implants, $ 4,500 (less any course of seven days stay), such as wrinkle firming facial, $ 5,000 in the nose, $ 4,500, belly fat removal surgery, $ 4,750 in liposuction, $ 6,000, seems like place.

Other ○, for the teeth, bleaching, implants, and other care, such as the menu bar, and some packages such as eye care.

In Japan, people go on a journey of medical tourism in Southeast Asia seems quite high.

In addition, the Korean drama "Winter Sonata" has been used to shoot the Korean National Cancer Center, and embark on Cancer attract popular Japanese drama that Ayakatsu etc., seems to have plans.

In Japan, Myoko , etc., seem to have a municipality that advocates medical tourism, in the heart and healing care springs, such as a modified human with surgery bluntly itself of these foreign, and dramatic, sham appears to have been.

When it comes to medical applications in Japan this rhythm, but the zones need to be.

In part, medical tourism initiative Fukui type , such as the movement is.

Nevertheless, medical tourism, "While traveling, my situation so far, may be increased at a lower price," it would have received its attractive scheme.

First time that this success, serious, ecotourism, I knew I would have lost it.

Reference sites
That readers of this blog (here)
... The «ground zero | Article List | U.S. new homes, ... »How China
2010-08-05 21:10:03
Medical Tourism is noteworthy in the world (India)
Subject: Information Society

2009.4.28 article ( updated again )

                  Hospital food is prepared according to international patients

           The most advanced medical equipment

In New Delhi, India, low cost surgery, medical equipment and cutting-edge
Advanced medical technology with the doctor is listening

Now, going to India for fertility treatment in Japan, including living donor liver transplantation
There you can go to China to undergo a surgery, and Western Europe,
In between such people living in Africa, went to medical tourism in developing countries,
The gaining popularity of the surgery.

In the United States, arrhythmia surgery for women in their late 60s who lives in Las Vegas
But undergo, 5000 $ 170,000 (£ 17.5 million in Japanese yen) were required.
If you take the same level of surgery in India to 10000 dollars ($ 10,000) receive less.

Had been covering the hospital in New Delhi, India, are using the treatment of European countries.
In addition, hospitals are not prepared according to hospital food culture around the world, good hospitality,
If the diet and the enormous care, a delicious menu of great content.

For surgery, the doctor of Indian doctors and patients, because it always takes a communicate
Patients can be safe. In addition, technologies such as medical doctor at the same level as the United States.
Use the same cutting-edge medical equipment, such as the United States, trained and specialized doctor
Because the staff, the level of medical technology in India is considerably higher and has attracted worldwide attention.

Hospitals and medical tourism, say that you support the patient and how health care planners
Support that have been borrowed.
Also ensure that proper rest house. Restaurants, coffee shops, cafes and book well
To be able to access in the lobby of the hospital in its entirety.
Also, if people come with me to medical tourism for 24 hours concierge, shopping and sightseeing
For any stay in India until, the person who looked after.

Why say how well the service can receive health care cheap enough, the
Low prices for India, about one-tenth of the salary of doctors and Europe than in Western countries.
Thus, in India for people in developed countries, receive less advanced medical care. But
The people living in India to become expensive care, not take it hard.

Risks of medical tourism is in some way, and postoperative care issues,
For developing countries, and there is no risk of infection and water for say,
Challenge to develop a health care that many have been left.
Also by country, such as legal rights, and always will be all well.

In Japan, some asking for donations that go hundreds of millions when performing surgery in the United States.
If India

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