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Friday, June 22, 2012

Left Brain Right Brain

When I was in business school, my whole Organizational Behavior class took a personality test.  Without telling us the results, my professor called four of us up front and paired us.  Each pair was tasked with drawing a house, alternating turns with the pen, without speaking at all.  My partner Jenna and I worked so well together, creating straight line after straight line.  Then, the professor switched up the partners, and our groups switched.  My new partner Leticia and I couldn’t figure out how to work together at all.  She would draw a swiggly line, and I would draw a straight line.  Then, the professor told us what had happened.  Jenna and I were the most left-brained people in the class, while Leticia and her partner were the most right-brained people.

I thought about that story last week, when my son had a kindergarten homework assignment due.  He was asked to draw a set of eyes for each member of his family, and he could include pets.  I know exactly what I would draw – six sets of eyes in a row.  If I was feeling especially creative, I may have drawn eyelashes and eyebrows.  Maybe.

Here’s what my son drew:leftbrain Left Brain Right Brain

I’ve always had a difficult time figuring out what makes my son tick, and I finally figured out that he is super right-brained – so different from my husband and me.

I think it’s time to sign him up for an art class!

pixel Left Brain Right Brain

View the original article here

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