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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Charity breast cancer increases the amount of liabilities the value of Mammograms: researchers

By Amanda Gardner
HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, Aug. 2 HealthDay News)--Breast Cancer Charity that brought the world the Pink Ribbon, which exaggerates benefits of Mammography by minimizing its harms, claim scientists.

Susan g. Komen organization is referred to for the Cure, as stated in the announcement, 2011 that the pointer of cancer survival five years during breast caught early 98%, while only 23% if not caught early.

"The survival Statistics posed are eye-catching and relevant. Means that the woman is crazy and irresponsible if not go to detect, "said Dr. Steve Woloshin, co-author article challenge charity. "But the statistics are misleading."

In accordance with the comment that Woloshin appears online Aug. 2 in the BMJ, in her 50s woman who refers to regular mammograms for 10 years will be the only cuts the chance of dying by a fraction of a percentage point--every 10 000 women who will not be able to screened 7 deaths.

The reason for the discrepancy?

Survival statistics, calculate how much a woman lives only after the diagnosis, the researchers explained.

If 100 women were diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 67 after feeling the tumor and all died three years later, at the age of 70, the survival rate of five years will be 0 per cent.

But if cancers were detected by Mammography, when women were 64 and they still died at the age of 70, the survival of five years will be 100 percent.

Komen also minimizes the harms that may come from over-screening in accordance with article.

For every woman whose life is saved by Mammography, between two and 10 women are overdiagnosed, which means they are told they have cancer, if not and end up going through unnecessary treatment.

Up to half of the women who are inspected annually by the Decade they receive at least one false positive, which means must undergo biopsy and breast cancer have the experience of fear of thinking, if only temporarily.

The article falls at a time when there has been a growing furor over the value of breast cancer. The U.S. preventive services Task Force now recommends that women in their 40s not get regular mammograms.

American Cancer Society recommends that all women aged 40 and over get annual mammograms.

In the end, women must obtain reliable information from their doctors or other sources about the risks and benefits of Mammography. One problem is that not all primary care doctors know the numbers right to transfer their patients, according to the latest research.

Overall, few doctors would argue that there are certain advantages to Mammography.

Dr. Stephanie Bernik, head of Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, Onkologiczna, supports push for a Cancer Charity.

"As doctors, we believe that breast cancer is extremely beneficial," she said. "Screening save lives, but probably is not as dramatic as sometimes took too."

Adds Woloshin, who is Professor of medicine and community and family medicine at Dartmouth School of Medicine and Institute of the Dartmouth health policy and clinical practice: "there is some benefit, but the size is of a different order than what is implied by the advertising. Women's decisions should be good for each other. "

Komen Foundation representative defended the position of the organization.

"Everyone Agrees that Mammography is not perfect, but it is the best tool for the detection of commonly available that we have today," said Chandini Portteus, Vice President of Komen research, evaluation and scientific programmes. "My wymówienie for years the science has to improve, therefore the Komen is putting millions of dollars for tests to detect breast cancer before symptoms through biomarkers," for example, she explained.

"Komen is also financing research to accurately predict a 6,000 cancer and which are not," still Portteus. "When we invest in obtaining those responses, we believe is simply irresponsible effectively discourage women from taking steps to know what happens to their health," she noted.

"These numbers are not in question," said Portteus. "Early detection allows for early treatment, which granted women the best chance of surviving breast cancer."

MedicalNewsCopyright © 2012 HealthDay. All rights reserved. SOURCE: Stephanie Bernik, M.D., Chief, surgical oncology, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City, New York; Steven Woloshin, M.D., Professor of medicine and community and family medicine, Dartmouth School of Medicine and Institute of the Dartmouth health policy and clinical practice, Lebanon, Navy; Chandini Portteus, Vice-President, research, evaluation and scientific programmes, Susan g. Komen for the Cure; 2 Aug. 2012, BMJ, online

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