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Thursday, June 21, 2012

We’re Getting Out the Latino Vote!

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AppId is over the quota

May 23 2012

Latinos have been some of the hardest hit by the foreclosure crisis and have suffered a massive loss of wealth because of it.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture wants to make already tough working conditions even tougher and more dangerous for poultry workers, many of whom are Latino.  Our education system is not serving our kids well enough.  Members of Congress are comparing immigrants to dogs while they do nothing to fix our terribly broken immigration system.  Voter suppression laws are popping up in heavily Hispanic states like Florida and Texas.  Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio is being sued by the Department of Justice for civil rights violations against Latinos in his county.  And Alabama has just passed a revised, yet still harsh anti-immigrant racial profiling law.

If you’re a Latino in America, the future appears to be a grim one, but being the resilient and optimistic people that we are, it’s important to remember that we have the power to do something about it.  We have the power of the vote.  And with 500,000 Latinos turning 18 every year for the next 20 years, those votes have awesome potential to translate into power.

At NCLR, we’re doing our part to get as many Latinos registered as we can through our Mobilize to Vote campaign, and we just celebrated our first milestone:  registering 20,000 new voters for the 2012 election!

Registration is crucial, and meaningful outreach matters for the youthful Latino community.  “There is no substitute for one-on-one contact, which helps demystify and facilitate the voter registration process, and that is the cornerstone of our campaign,” said Clarissa Martínez-De-Castro, Director of Immigration and Civic Engagement for NCLR.

We’ve only gotten started.  You can expect many more milestones to be reached as we ramp up our voter registration effort in the lead-up to the general election in November.

If we’re going to wield our buying, voting, and political power, however, we’re going to need to band together as a community and get everyone we know to register.  It’s the only way we can move forward.  So, join us in celebrating this achievement and then get back out there to help us spread the word!

And, if you haven’t registered yet, we have only one question:  what are you waiting for?! Visit our Mobilize to Vote website or find us on Facebook or Twitter for all the info you need to get registered.

Issues: Mobilize to Vote, National Campaigns, Latino Voter Participation, Voter Education Materials
Geography:California, Far West, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, Texas

View the original article here

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