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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Miracle Brain System - Brand New!

CAUTION! The Secrets You’re About To Discover Have Been Hidden From Mankind For Centuries For A Perfectly Good Reason...
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Incredible, Legendary Mind-Power Secrets So Remarkably Powerful That Many Ancient Mystics Have Sought To Destroy Them To Prevent Them From Falling
Into The Wrong Hands...
From: Chris D’Cruz
Date: 23 Jan 2013
Dear Friend,
I would like to caution you that what you’re about to read may very well be the most important letter you’ll ever read in your ENTIRE life.
The reason for this is simple:
In just 30 days from now, you will have the power to:
Accomplish ANYTHING you set your mind to, even if no one else in history has ever succeeded in achieving it

Become an extraordinarily compelling master of persuasion able to influence ANYONE to do your bidding

Attract and seduce the partner(s) of your dreams with an irresistible, almost supernatural charisma

Enjoy unbelievable, mind-blowing, red-hot passionate sex every single night

Live a life of unimaginable wealth and perpetual affluence (and even fame, if that’s what you truly desire)

Shape your destiny as you see fit
In short, you will have FULL, UNRESTRICTED ACCESS to all the secrets that will transform you from mere mortal to an all-powerful GOD of your own domain.
Secrets such as Irresistible Hypnotic Influence, Innate Psychic Ability, Supernatural Healing, Indomitable Sexual Prowess, The Cosmic Omnipotent Knowledge Of Life And The Universe...
...and A WHOLE LOT more that I really can’t afford to list down because of time/space constraints.
As unbelievable as this may sound, these secrets will grant you complete control over every aspect of your life.
Aren’t you tired of having someone dictate your life for you?
Constantly telling you what to do in order to get ahead in life, even to the point of instructing you what your ideal dream or goal in life should be?
I’m telling you right now: That’s pure, utter, RUBBISH.
Only YOU should have total dominion over your own life.
You should be the one who is in control of every aspect of your destiny, not some schmuck at the top of some hierarchy who’s determined to keep you from getting your well-deserved break in life or to crush the dreams you’ve always thought of achieving some day.
Your life, from here onwards, will be how YOU envision it... but only if you seize the opportunity to learn these ancient, forbidden secrets.
...because they believed that once these secrets fell into the wrong hands, the balance of power would shift and the world would be plunged into chaos.
The secrets about to be revealed to you are THAT powerful.
These secrets are really a compilation of knowledge of the ages, stretching back centuries to the times of ancient philosophers, venerable priests, and wise mystics, eventually passed down from master to apprentice, parchment to paper...
And now in the 21st Century, these secrets have been converted into digital format, updated for the modern world, but still retaining the timeless, undiluted wisdom and controversial secrets to the attainment of incredible power and ultimate enlightenment.
These are secret, fundamental principles that have allowed the world’s richest and most powerful individuals to achieve incredible levels of success in their lives.
These life-changing principles have granted these individuals the power to shape their very lives however they deem fit.
And it’s about time that this power is given back to the common man.
You must be wondering why I’m so confident about these secrets being so incredibly life-changing and why I’m so eager to share them with you.
I’ll let you in on a little secret: I was once like you.
No, scratch that.
I was probably even worse off than you are right now.
You probably have a job right now, maybe even a girlfriend or wife or lover you can come home to. Maybe you’re ok with your life right now, even though you sometimes think that things could be just that much better.
Or maybe, just maybe, you’re like me 5 years ago.
As embarrassed as I am about admitting this, the following is a true account of my life just 5 years ago.
Life wasn’t all that great for me 5 years ago.
My parents couldn’t really afford to send me to college, but they scrounged up whatever they could to get me into a state college. Unfortunately, with what little we had, and no scholarship, I had to drop out.
Just a week after dropping out of college, I got a job. And shortly after that, another job. And then another. And then another.
What I’m trying to say is, I couldn’t hold a steady job.
My love life wasn’t all that great either; I had zero confidence, zero self esteem, and I could never get any dates.
It made sense at the time, because after all...
It was only a matter of time before I became manically depressed about my life.
I was jobless, lonely, and living in my parents’ basement.
Pathetic, right?
Now, keep in mind that even though I was a college dropout, it wasn’t because I couldn’t keep up. On the contrary, I LOVE studying.
Call me a nerd, a geek, a bookworm, whatever... I’m the kind of guy who’s constantly trying to improve myself by reading up on whatever I can.
So with all the time in the world, I immersed myself in books, borrowed from the town library, and I spent my days reading books on self-improvement, success psychology, and yes, even romance.
I was so sick of my life and was in desperate need of a change.
I told myself that I wouldn’t be greedy; I’d be thankful if I could settle on either having enough money to sustain my expenses, or having the companionship of a good woman.
Ok, ok. So I wanted to make millions of dollars a year and I wanted to be an irresistible Chick Magnet and have hot, steamy, passionate sex with as many women as I could.
What guy wouldn’t want any of that?
The problem was, I ended up reading what must have been dozens of books over the course of half a year, and every single author had different ideas and techniques for life success.
So who really has the right idea?
The more I read, the more I became confused. I was about ready to give up and resign to living a monotonous life of working odd jobs and living in my parents’ basement for the rest of my miserable life.
One day I attended a free seminar on success psychology, and I distinctly remember that it was a rather long, drawn out session that lasted half a day, and by the end of it I was frustrated that I hadn’t left any wiser as to how I could turn my life around.
As I contemplated on speaking with the speaker personally, I was approached by a man who handed me a name card, with just a website URL, a telephone number, and the words “Change Your Life Today” beveled across the front of the plain white card.
Now, you’d probably think the same thing I did back then. I thought, “Wait a minute, this must be some sort of scam. Maybe it’s one of them multi-level marketing (MLM) things or “Get Rich Quick” schemes I’ve heard so much about.”
The man barely spoke two words to me; he simply smiled, handed me the card, patted me on the shoulder, and pointed to the telephone number on the card.
And then he walked away, just like that.
I was confused. What was I supposed to do with this card, I asked myself. Should I throw it away? What was this about? Just who was that mysterious guy?
For some reason, I didn’t throw away the card. In fact, three days later, I actually did call the number on the card, because I thought I had nothing to lose.
That phone call proved to be the turning point of my life, because 30 days after that phone call...
...all within the space of those short 30 days!
I couldn’t believe it at first. I thought that it was impossible to break “the code” and achieve this much success in a short amount of time.
I was even paranoid for awhile that I might lose all of it in the next 30 days.
But here I am, 5 years on, and I’ve now got a 7-figure income, married to the hottest babe I had ever met, and I’d just bought myself a sleek new boat last week.
And no, I’m not still living in my parents’ basement; I’ve got my own beachfront property, and my parents have their own comfortable nook (that I bought for them) just a 15-minutes-drive from here.
So what’s the point I’m trying to make?
Now I’ve taken it upon myself to be YOUR Mystery Guy and open your eyes to the truth of the world.
I want to share with you the secrets that I was shown all those years ago, and I want to share with you this incredible, life-changing power that will not only benefit you in every aspect of your life, but it will also enrich the lives of your loved ones as well.

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