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Friday, February 1, 2013

6 Ways That Web Design Will Maximize Your Online Success

Your website is the hub of your online business presence. It is the online storefront that all of your marketing efforts intend to funnel people towards. Whether you buy website traffic, buy website visitors, or utilize free search engine marketing strategies, it is all in an effort to drive business and traffic to your website.
Why not let your website help itself? If you construct your website correctly you can improve the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Here is a list of ways to structure and setup your website, so that it will contribute to your online success.
A Relevant Domain Name
Your website’s domain name is one of the first factors search engines and users use to identify and classify your website. Here is an example of why a useful domain name is important. If one domain name is and the other is, which website is most likely going to contain information and products about wooden toys for children? You get the point. Find a domain name that contains keywords related to your products and services. Keep your domain name as short and to the point as possible. A quality domain name will help search engines index your site more effectively and will be more memorable to human visitors as well.
Do Keyword Research
This point cannot be made enough. It is important to understand how people are searching for the types of products and services your business offers. For example: there is no success in making your website about automobiles, when the great majority of people search for cars, when they want to buy a car. The goal is to identify keywords that have significant monthly searches without significant competition. The Google AdWords Keyword Tool is a very effective tool for helping you narrow down your targeted keywords and keyword phrases to be use on your website.
Quality, Fresh Content
For search engines, especially Google, content is king. Search engines “read” words on web pages to help them classify and index a web page. Your website needs to do the talking for you, since you are not available 24/7. The content of your website should describe your business, your products, and answer as many customer questions as possible. The content of your website is your online salesman, so include as much relevant and sales encouraging content as possible. The more original content your can provide a search engine, the better your site will perform.
Establish Online Credibility
It is sometimes difficult for online businesses to establish credibility, especially if they do not have significant marketing budgets to spoon feed their brand to the public. It is imperative that online businesses establish a reputation of trust and credibility by providing, testimonials, reviews, guarantees, policies, customer support contact details, a list of endorsements, and more.
Interact Socially
The reality is a portion of almost everyone’s daily internet activity includes at least some time spent on a social media website. Facebook and Twitter are social juggernauts that attract people to them constantly. Setup a Facebook business page and a Twitter account and begin to interact socially with current and potential customers. Offer online giveaways and contests through your social media accounts to encourage interaction. Growing your online social presence is one way to increase awareness and credibility surrounding your website and drive traffic and visitors to your site.
Every Website Needs a Call To Action
A call to action is the main thing that you want people to do, when they come to your website. For an eCommerce site the call to action is simple … Buy our products. A website without a call to action is a website without purpose or reason for being. Your call to action is the reason you build your website. It is the reason you promote your website. It is also the barometer, by which you measure the success or failure of your website.
It requires some preparation and planning to build and successfully run a website. Acquire a quality domain name based on keyword research. Write fresh content and post it on your website and social media sites. Make sure you define and understand your websites call to action, so that you will maintain the vision of the success of your website. If you construct your website correctly, it can enhance and support your online marketing efforts and improve your potential for success.
Tags: buy website traffic, keyword research, social media, trafic to your website
This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 at 6:05 PM and is filed under Web Design. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 

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